Property owners are legally obligated to protect visitors, customers, and tenants from injuries while on the premises.

However, if they fail to address hazardous conditions on their properties and their negligence results in a significant injury or even death, they are liable for a premises liability or wrongful death suit.

At Norman and Graves, our legal team can help you recover your entitled compensation. With more than a decade of legal experience, our Kansas City personal injury lawyers have an in-depth understanding of Missouri and Kansas laws and court proceedings to navigate through any legal complexities of your case.


The liability of property owners for injuries sustained by their visitors and guests derive from the fact that they owe invitees a specific duty of care. Property owners are responsible for provided reasonable care to maintain a safe environment on their premises, meaning that they must identify and repair hazardous conditions on their property or warn visitors and guests of known dangers.

in order to succeed in a premises liability, the following circumstances must be established:

  1. A dangerous condition is present on the premises
  2. The property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition
  3. The property owner failed to repair, remove, or warn of the dangerous condition
  4. As a result, a visitor or guest sustained an injury because of the dangerous condition

Common types of premises liability claims include:

Let Norman & Graves fight for you!

Our Kansas City personal injury attorneys have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of their clients. We can thoroughly investigate your accident, then collect and analyze evidence in order to develop a solid and personalized legal strategy for you. Let us fight for you while you make the most successful recovery possible.

Contact us and schedule your free consultation today.